Monday, August 10, 2020

MN 135 and MN 136, two great suttas explaining karma and fruit of karma

I made two english recordings of these two suttas, based on B. Sujato's translation. Mostly unchanged, the big difference is where he translated  the many occurrences of the word 'kamma' (karma, action) into 'deeds' or 'action', I replaced with 'karma'. It gives the sutta a different feel, and it's perfect for the modern audience, already familiar with the concept of 'karma' having good and bad consequences (both short term and long), commensurate with the type of 'good' or 'bad' action ('karma' = action) that precedes the karmic results 

✴️MN 135🔗🔊 Cūḷa-kamma-vibhaṅga: small [discourse on] – karma – analysis
(why do being experience good and bad results of karma [action]?)
(Buddha gives commentary on STED kamma-s-saka)
(1. Karmic result of killing → short lifespan)
(2. Karmic result of habitually hurting → sickly health)
(3. Karmic result of being irritable and foul tempered → ugly)
(4. Karmic result of envy → insignificant)
(5. Karmic result of giving to ascetics and brahmins → wealth)
(6. Karmic result of being obstinate or vain → low social status)
(7. Karmic result of asking the wise about skillful and unskillful → wisdom and intelligence)

✴️MN 136  🔗🔊 Mahā-kamma-vibhaṅga: big [discourse on] – karma – analysis:
(4 types of people in world)
(1. Does evil → goes to hell)
(2. Does evil → goes to heaven)
(3. Does good → goes to heaven)
(4. Does good → goes to hell)

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