Saturday, March 27, 2021

AN 4.14 English, fluent (no peyyāla), 15min

🔊 audio reading, 15min

People frequently ask, what is meditation, and what do you do exactly? This sutta describes it succinctly, from the point of view of right effort. Whether beginner, working on first jhana, or non returner working on arahantship, they're following instructions from this sutta, all the time.

What do you think of this English translation, and how it works in audio?

(in contrast with a more literal pali + english translation I did earlier here: AN 4.14 saṃvara (no peyyāla)

What I've come to realize about the oral tradition, and the suttas as recorded, is that the suttas are often terse, formulaic, optimized for memorizing and protecting fidelity of data, not for fluency and ease of comprehension for the listening audience. 

So what I'm doing with this new style translation here, is taking the liberty of connecting the dots and inserting instructions from related suttas to make this sutta more self contained and comprehensible. 

What do you think? 

Whatever is in square brackets [], are not part of the sutta translation.

Reading text, it's clear what's not part of the pali original. But in audio recordings, there's no easy way to indicate that I've added some comments not part of the original pali sutta.

Forum discussion


    ☸ Lucid 🐘🐾‍

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